
Hey there! We're the Reils.
Real farmers who care about your health, the cattle and the land.

We’re a family that’s passionate about connecting people back to their food source. We believe in the power of real, nutrient dense, nourishing food and we're so thankful for the opportunity to connect you directly to your food and your farmer. 

What makes Reil Ranch beef different...


100% Grass Fed AND Grass Finished


Regeneratively Raised on Open Pastures


No Added Hormones or Unnecessary Antibiotics 


Humanely Treated Livestock


Raised by Farmers you can Trust


Ships Frozen, Straight to Your Door

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Our Mission

We're a small, family farm seeking to bring glory to God in all we do. Our mission is to provide parents with high quality, nutrient rich beef they can trust and feel confident feeding their family. 

Regenerative Focus

As farmers of faith, we want to be stewarding the animals and land to the best of our ability.

We want to be continually learning and applying regenerative practices to our operation. We know nothing in farming happens overnight, but day by day, we're working to improve our land and leave it better than before.

Our History

Farming has been a part of the Reil family tree for years and Tyler credits his love for animals and farming to his grandpa, dad and uncles. He admires the work ethic, compassion and selflessness they exemplified as they raised animals and took care of the land.

When Tyler began farming, the practices he was implementing were completely conventional. He was uneducated when it came to the benefits of biodiversity and the importance of rotational grazing. His cattle were grain fed and fattened quickly in order to make the numbers work and pay the bills. 

Our Current Farm

Since our early farming days, we have now transitioned our herd to a 100% grass diet from start to finish. The cattle in our beef program are never given any grains in their lifetime.

Our crop land consists of mainly alfalfa/grass/clover mixes and we are also working in cover crops to graze between the crop rotations.

We are striving to add nutrients, organic matter and micro organisms through new practices such as no-till, plant diversity and grazing cover crops.

Our family's passion for raising cattle in a way that's better for them, our health and the land is what drives our farm forward.

Let's go "back to the basics" together...

We hope to encourage you on your pursuit of real, naturally raised foods by helping you go "back to the basics" and learn to enjoy clean, whole food recipes - the way nature intended.

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison"
-Ann Wigmore

Join our email list for weekly recipes and farm updates HERE!

Our Farm Partners

We value knowing where our food is raised, who it was raised by and how it was raised. We also treasure having the ability to connect folks directly to their farmers.

As a small, family farm we can only produce so much beef each year and we hated turning people away to go buy their beef at the grocery store due to sold out inventory (especially when we have trusted neighbors and friends raising cattle exactly like we are).

So, we decided to partner with a small handful of local farms to continue connecting folks to their food source and provide high quality beef for families. Each farm that we partner with will meet ALL of the standards we practice. 

Meet Our Farm Partners